Visual Development Artist

Join Sophia and Edward as they venture into the ancient city of Cuzco in a corrupted world. While disguising themselves, they must blend in and face the ruler of the golden city: El Mono.

The Ancient Apparitions of the Andes

One Nation / One Project (Tactile Pictures)

Development art for the Arts for Everybody campaign survey visuals. The main characters are designed to represent the six main art forms covered in their project: Film, visual arts, theatre, writing, music, and dance.

Arts for Everybody Campaign survey character concepts and final character art.

Character development art for the dancer character.

Arts for Everybody Campaign survey sketches of environments for each scene.

A story about a son in a grey world carrying on his father's dream of discovering the wonderful worlds of color!

Chroma: Thesis Film for CCA

A sampling of my work from a variety of other college projects.

Other Projects!